Are your patients going elsewhere?

Are your patients aware of the services you provide? Could they be shopping around for example for cosmetic or orthodontic treatment because they do not know that YOU provide these services? How can you advertise your services without turning your reception area into a marketing nightmare?

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Do you know your numbers?

Almost all of the dentists I have ever coached have reluctantly admitted to being guilty of the following scenario: Faced with quoting a price for a treatment, they have started off with a figure of £400, which by the time they’ve actually uttered the words, has somehow come out as just £350! For some inexplicable reason, they have found the prospect of talking money so uncomfortable, that they have actually offered a discount, without even having been asked for one! In this case a whopping £50 – the equivalent of almost 15%

Those same dentists have also admitted to carrying out a basic procedure free of charge because it would only take them a few minutes to complete.
Sound familiar? Please read on..

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Who are the price buyers?

In my previous article, I wrote that when people purchase everyday products and services, price although very important is very rarely the issue, an issue yes, but not the issue. There are always other more important factors when people are buying. I also wrote that throughout my 23 years career of training and working in the Dental Industry, I have very rarely found a Dentist who has not found the discussing of fees uncomfortable at some time in their lives. So if this is an area which you find challenging, you are not alone.

However, to contradict myself here, there are some people and patients who will base their buying decisions based around price.

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Changing your mindset to create WIN – WIN

Many studies have been done about what makes a person successful in life. In fact, here is a simple exercise to do. Think about a dentist who you know who is successful and develop a list of all the skills, attitudes and attributes that person has. Once you have done this, list them into skills, attitudes and product knowledge. I bet on the list there are many skills such as, good communication and listening skills, and the ability to build empathy with the patient. On the attitudes side, are there things like positivity and enthusiasm? Have you also got product knowledge? On occasions, when I have a discussion with a dentist, the technical skills are often left out. Although vital, technical skills of doing the job only usually account for about 10-15% of a person’s success and without good communication skills, the ability to build empathy and to truly understand what your patient is looking for and why, you might never be able to put your technical ability into practice as much as you would like.

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How do we increases the sales of Teeth Whitening Treatment? Are your patients aware that you offer the treatment? Do you ask your patients how they feel they could improve their smile? The Sunday Times recently reported spending on Dentistry in the UK has grown by 22% in the last four years and is set to increase even more. If a Patient has a teeth whitening treatment with you he or she is more likely to return to you for other treatments. Here are seven tips to encourage more patients to say YES to Teeth Whitening

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So what is the most dangerous number in business? Well read this quick story and have a guess, this could be the most important article that you read this year.

Over the last few months, we have seen an influx of Dentists joining our Two Day Ethical Sales & Communication Programmes; All these Dentists and Practices have one thing in common; they all want to improve their sales of Private Treatment. They are all NHS Dentists, still committed to providing this type of treatment, but have realized that because of the cut backs, the fact that there has been no pay rises for a while now, that if they don’t start increasing private income, then they are going to struggle to survive.

This really hit home to me when I delivered a workshop to 61 delegates in the Midlands, of which 18 were Dentists. There were some very long detailed conversations about how much income of their income was attributed to the NHS and how much of their treatment was delivered privately. The average was around 95% NHS and in some cases it was closer to 99%. This really brought home to me one of the most important business lessons I discovered many years ago. It is the most dangerous number in business.

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Have you designed your perfect year yet?

I must confess, I am a big goal setter.

I set goals in all areas of my life; these include business, fitness, spiritual/personal development goals and Social. I write them down and review them every 90 days. I find 90 days is long enough to review where I am up to make any necessary changes if I have to, or in some cases, change the plan.

I have found setting goals in my life has many advantages

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Ashley Latter explains why Price is an issue but is very rarely THE issue when discussing dental treatment plans. An exercise on his Ethical Sales and Communication course demonstrates this and highlights that dentists sometimes therefore undercharge and don’t always receive the income their services deserve.

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