One of my proudest moments in my Business Career was Chairing the Business Conference at the Dental Show last weekend. After opening the Conference with a brand new presentation, I then went on to introduce eleven other speakers who over the next two days, presented on various subjects ranging from Tax Saving to Marketing. Every speaker had really good content and it was a real pleasure and privilege to work to with some very talented people at the NEC.
I had a ball.
One major lesson I have taken away from the Show which is something I already know, but sometimes need to be reminded of, is what it takes to become successful in today’s world. My long standing client and friend Nadim Majid, spoke to the audience on Saturday about what he does to build and maintain his relationships with his clients. Nadim started a squat Practice in Preston in 2008, at the start of the financial crisis. In the same year his wife had twins, not the ideal time to start a new business. He shared the activities that he and his team undertake, to build strong relationships with their existing patients. Here are a few things that they do consistently.
1.Each of their patients receives a Birthday card, Christmas card and innovatively, a New Year’s card.
2.Besides all of the above, each patient receives 14 other pieces of communication, over the year, including newsletters and emails with special offers. Each client receives over 16 pieces of communication from them; his clients never stop hearing from him.
Another good client and now also a good friend is John Lewis who owns Ghyllmount Dental Practice in the Lake District. He shared with the audience his marketing campaigns to the towns in his area, where he mails beautifully crafted leaflets and campaigns to new clients, some of these brought about significant return on both time and money. If he does not get the results he requires, he writes new campaigns to improve on the previous results. He is not an easy guy to please and his attention to detail is frightening.
Then there is James Rimmer who started working with me a year ago. James is a Technician who runs his own Laboratory in North Wales. Please read his testimonial below. If you spend only 10 minutes with James you cannot help but admire his passion and enthusiasm for what he does. He consistently visits his clients, whereever they are, communicating new ideas with them and coming up with new strategies. Many Technicians are struggling at the moment, he started a new business two years ago and he is expanding. I don’t know when this guy sleeps.
Finally we have Lydia and Yaz Nafa who started Premier Orthodontics in Bromley 18 months ago. From having no clients on day one, they now have a full diary on at least three days a week. They have been building strong relationships with local dentists by running study clubs every month and it was a real treat to speak to 17 dentists this week. It was also fantastic to see the strength of relationships they had already established in 18 months with these dentists. There was genuine affection on both sides.
To me, they are all just ordinary people doing extraordinary things. However, what they all have in common is they undertake massive activity levels that generate new clients, which is undertaken every day, without fail. This activity is on-going and never stops, even when they are rushed off their feet, time is made in their diaries for new client acquisition. They never rest on their laurels and they all also work incredibly long hours in their pursuit of success.
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