Since 1997, tens of thousands of dentists and their teams have taken part in this unique two day programme which ultimately helps Dentists, Orthodontists, Treatment Co-ordinators and their teams create more opportunities within their dental practices, improve their uptake of treatment plans, achieve the prices their services deserve and deal confidently with patient objections. All this will ultimately improve the bottom line results. It is probably the most sought after programme in UK Dentistry.

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  • Discover the six biggest communication mistakes made by dentists
  • What is the ideal profile of someone who is successful in dental sales?
  • Learn how to operate outside the comfort zone and develop extra self-belief and confidence
  • Develop a more positive attitude of success and achievement
  • Set course goals
Building Rapport
  • Develop the skills to build relationships with potential clients
  • Develop the techniques to build credibility quickly
  • Develop the skills to lower client resistance/nervousness  and win them  over to our way of thinking
  • Build rapport with patients of all different personality styles
  • Get patients to like you instantly and stand out from the competition
  • Understand the importance of preparation
Ask the right questions to create opportunities
  • To understand the vital role effective questions play in selling our services/products
  • Learn how to lead your client through a comfortable, natural series of questions designed to get the information you need
  • Develop the skills so that that the client buys into our services and sees the need to take urgent action
  • Become a much more effective listener
  • Develop Ashleys unique four step questioning approach to a perfect consultation
  • Discover the six emotional reasons to understand the patients decision making process
Communicate in the language that excites your patients
  • Develop unique solutions to patients needs and buying criteria
  • Become creative when presenting our solutions to our clients
  • Become a more persuasive and powerful communicator in all situations.
  • Learn how to use evidence to back up what we say
  • Discover the language to excite and influence your patient
  • Communicate clearly and concisely, eliminate waffle and technical jargon
Communicate your fees with self–confidence and achieve the income your services deserve
  • Understand that patients don’t buy on price
  • Understand what is important to patients when they make decisions
  • Know your numbers
  • Communicate value when presenting your fees and eliminate price objections
  • Become more confident when discussing fees and never reduce the price in your head again
  • Develop 12 strategies that will make you feel more comfortable talking money and achieve the prices your services deserve
  • Learn how to charge more than your competitors and still hear a YES
Gaining Commitment in a Ethical Way
  • Learn how to gain patient commitment to your treatment with ease
  • Develop a process where patient buys into your services
Overcoming all your patients objections
  • Identify hidden objections
  • Use “cushions” to help resolve objections and avoid conflict
  • Learn the skills to effectively resolve objections and create win win
  • Think on your feet and demonstrate self-esteem and confidence
  • Develop a five step approach to overcome all your patients objections
Follow up/ World Class Customer Service
  • Learn how to follow up effectively
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Learn how to ask for referrals and build a pipeline of new clients to your door.
  • Provide a World Class experience for your patients
  • Create a seamless patient journey so that the baton never gets dropped.
  • Ring fencing your patients and increasing your assets
Apply the Sales Process
  • Apply the whole process from start to finish
  • Develop new behaviours that stick
  • Set performance goals

Your instructor for this course is Ashley Latter.



A percentage of our earnings supports bridge2aid and The Fed

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Clients tell us that they have achieved the following outcomes as a result of taking part on the programme:
  • Increased uptake of treatment plans
  • Stronger relationships with their patients leading to an increase in referrals
  • Talking money with more confidence and achieving better prices for their services
  • More confidence in dealing with patients objections
  • Entire team singing from the same hymn sheet
  • A world class patient journey

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